Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chisasibi Week Tweleve: Day 4: Sept 26: Denvor's B-day and the Blanket ceremony

Woke up around 7:30am. I tried going back to sleep after eating, oh, I don't even remember! But that didn't happen, so I went on the computer and blogged(not this entry!) and FBed and read manga and stuff.

Lunch was grilled cheese, some of which had balony. Then I headed down town with the grocery shopping crew (after helping with the apple crisp) and went to Janie's, but she wasn't home, and wasn't answering her phone. I have no clue what I'm going to do about getting leather for finishing my moccasins.....I went back to Northern and bought that shirt I'd been eyeing for like a month. Got a wonder bar too! >.< Ran into Chris who was buying some cloth, went and talked with Michelle who was waiting in the van, then walked home. The shirt I bought is SUPER BIG on me!!!!! It's a good thing I have a belt, at least that makes it looks kinda stylish. XD

I read my Bible a bit after that and finished Leviticus. I sang a little too, then actually napped in the sun for a bit.....and my memory doesn't seem all that great today......*shrugs*

Dinner was at Jack and Elizabeth's  for Denvor's B-day. we had moose, rice, fryed moose, our Caesar salade and macaronic salade, and our vegan chocolate cake w/whip cream, and our apple crisp. We played some video games with Denvor, and tried to put the baby to sleep. Unfortunately, I was on my moon-time, so I couldn't attend the blanket ceremony they were doing for those who had missed the shake tent, so I got asked to take Denvor and Baby Girl to the Katimavik because they were misbehaving and they didn't want them to interrupt the ceremony.

Catherine went back to the house with me, and Colette drove us there. We saw Northern lights on our way, they were very green. The baby sitting went okay, except that the neighbours came over saying we were being to noisy. (We had two young kids! what do you aspect?!)

We everyone got back, Elizabeth had driven over to pick up her kids. Apparently the blanket ceremony was really intense and frightening. I'm not sure whether I feel relived that I missed it, or if I feel rather upset. If I do feel upset, it'll be because I missed out on a group experience, so I won't be able to relate with them on the same level any more........... *sighs* We'll see.

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