Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chisasibi Week Eleven: Day 6: Sept 21: Almost Mugged, Beading and My Box

I got up at 7 am, showered, and had puffed rice (I think with yogurt.......?) and eggbread with butter for breakfast. I worked on my beading, but got a little too caught up in it so left a little bit late. My MP3 didn't charge porperly either, so no music on the way to work. T.t

Work was slow AGAIN!!!!!!  I printed some stuff off, which invovled using the memeory stick and going to the computer lab upstairs because the library computer ran out of ink.......we are very low on supplies....-.-
It truned out to by a 1/2 Ped Day at the school though (like a Pro-D day), so after lunch, which was rice with chicken and an orange, I spent the afternoon reparingbooks. AND I had to reshelve ALL the books the pre-Ks took off the shelves. What a mess! >.< Oh, there was also a meeting, so when it was done, I had to put the chairs back, and I spent WAY to much time doing it. But I did end up making really cool Polygon-based shapes! XD I made a gaint triangle, a long rectangle, a circle (well, not really) and an inverted circle. ^//^ It was pretty fun. I also set up the chairs so that they were in ratios by colour, because there were some that were yellow, and some that were brown.

On the walk home, I was "cornored" or stopped by the side of the road by two young looking guys. And I KNERW they were scketchy!! I wanted to pass them as we were crossing the road so I wouldn't have to talk to them, but I ended up stopping to tie my shoes, and then a car came at the wrong time, so I was cuaght standing at the edge of the road when they crossed over.

Their names were JAmes and Laurance, and I don't know if they were drunk or high or WHAT! BUt I felt harrassed. Not to mentined offened!!!  (I feel awful just typing it up and having to read about it again.....ick...) The James guy kept swearing his head off and saying B*** He wanted to call out "all dem Katima- B***s, and said that we (Katimavik) needed to get out of town and "disappear," To which I said that we were in fact leaving in 2 weeks-ish (but I didn't mention the new group, oh, and because I am so far behind, I can also tell you that one of the guys in the group after us got James also said something about slapping the A****s of B****s and at that point, he was in my space. Laurauance also said some stuff about a gang raising up soon. I finally got away, saying that I'd be late for dinner, but I almost stepped right out in front of a car.

I was desperate though, they were completely in my space, LAurance in my face and James coming up behind me. I was so tempted to smack James one with my metal water bottel, which I had in fact started carrying in case I needed to hit anyone. Luckily it didn't come to that.

Right after I got home, and I guess I looked pissed when I came in, 'cause people where asking me questions right away, I talked to Brandon about it, then to Chris. I felt a lot better after talking about it. I told CHris about it also as a safety thing (which didn't seem to accomplish much......-.-" Not that it's Chris' fault someone got mugged! Not by any means!!!) And it was funny too, 'cause Brandon said, "Step out and have a smoke with me." He totally sounded like a counciler when he said it too!! XD

Gordon and I did dishes togeher, so I got to listen to Florance and the Machine!!!! XD Then I had some hybiscous tea.

I finished my beading! XD Yeah! I had some hot chocolate, and ate more egg-bread with buuter!

Then I called Mom. I also tried calling Dad at Young Adults but with no luck. T.t So Mom called the buliding, and told Crystal to tell Dad to call me. BUt he never called back. After that I helped CAtherine seam-ripe her moccasins (without a seam ripper!) because she sewed something on backwrads.....which as kinda my bad for not giving enough instruction....?

I also put my box on the table after dinner so that everyone could sign/draw on it! >.< Chris even drew a picture! Itwas pretty good too! XD Unfortunatly, Talia altered the KAtima-logo, which it specifically says NOT to do, so if I get sued, she'd better be ready to hear some knocking. XP

Dinner was Porkchops with mushroom gravy and rice. It was SO GOOD and helped chree me up SO much! There was also a salade. Michelle also brought home some chocolate cake from work. PUaline ate over with us.

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