Saturday, November 5, 2011

Formal Apology

Dear Readers,

(If anyone is still following T.t)

I would just like to apologize for that fact as of this moment, I am a month behind in regards to posts on this blog. I am currently in Steinbach, and have been for a month, but my posts are still baout Chisasibi. I will continue to post things in chornological order, and I hope you can be paticent while I try to cathch up.

Thank you very much to those of you who have been following. I hope you enjoy reading, and feel infromed.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment, I will try to answer them in my next post.

Also, please comment so I know how you guys are feeling in regards to my lateness.

Hope you are having a great day.


  1. I for one am glad you haven't given up! Even though you are behind, it is still nice to read more details than we get texting. You may not finish it until you get home, but that's okay too.

  2. Sarah You are awsome i stayed up all night last night just reading your blog posts im soo gunna miss you, your posts are like a story in a way i love it dont be afraid to call me once and a while to vent or just talk

