Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chisasibi Week Eleven: Day 1: Sept 16: The Great Search and The Cheif

I was up at 7 am and had a shower. I ate 2 bowls of rice cripies, one with vanilla yogurt and one with blueberry-blackberry yogurt, and toast with Pb and honey.

Work was good. I am gonna miss it, and Naydine. She and I talked (in french!!! >//<) for 1hrsish about working in libaries and such. I think I might seriously consider it as a career. Apperently its not a feild that's in danger of colapsing due to updates with technology. XD

At lunch, I went to find Janie RIGHT as the beel went off. I went around the whole school and didn't see her! So I sat out front facing the school and ate my lunch. I figured if she left I would see her go. I ate spagethiie with cream cheese. By the time I finished it, I still hadn't seen Jaine, so I headed for her house and ate an apple on my way over. when I got to the house, Janie's husband let me in, and I played with Eli for a bit. (He is so cute!!!! >//<) But Janie wasn't home. Her daughter called her, and it truned out she was still and the school!

So I went back to the school and searched all over!!!! I still didn't find her. I ended up at the front of the school, and looked out the window as I truned to go back to the library, and guess who I saw. Janie! I walked back and met her as she came in the front doors. It was a bit tiring, but we had a good laugh. Then we went upstairs, and Janie explainded to me what I needed to do for the beading.

Work that afternoon was fine. I went to the cafatireia and bought to oven-fresh rasphberry turnovers, a dollar each. They were very good. I gave one to Naydine. (Naydine also gave me a muffin!! >//<)

Went home and sat outback in the sun and drew some pics.

Dinner was pizza. Then I tired the "tell me more" software that Katimavik provides for second launage learning.

Then I went to my second sweat. CAtherine and I both chipped in $10 and bought a 24case-lot of water, which I then porceeded to caryy for a good 2 blocks (not that they have blocks, but you get the idea). I felt very......manily.....*sshrugs* We met up with Chris, Talia and Justin, and I still insisted on carring it! XP i don't know, its kinda nice to feel strong every now and then. ;)

Michelle and Gordon went to babysit Jake and Elizabeth's kids so they could go to the sweat.

The sweat was good. I actually didn't leave between the 1st and 2nd rounds, but did after all the other ones. After round three, we ate they scarficies: cranberries, blueberries, fish, salmon, strawberries w/blueberries and water. The 4th round was extermly hot, but despite that I almost feel asleep twice near the beginning of the round. Afterwards, it was very emotional for Catherine.

When the sweat was over, I sat in the sweat lodge longer, and Chris and I ended up talking, well, listening really, to the Cheif. He said the reason I almost fell asleep was 'cause the Grandfather spriti had touched me....The Cheif also just talked to us about life and stuff. It was really cool. I really got a sence that I was being taught. (you know, the whole"at the feet of the master thing") He also made referance to the Bible.

I would really like to see more of that kind of teaching in the church. Less formal, everyone sitting very comfortably, and one person who everyone respects is speaking and that person is very knowlagdeable. .......I don't know, it was just a really cool experiance! >.<

We all walked home in the dark. I showered, ate some toast with PB and Honey, and also ate a small bit of sphagetti with cream cheese. Then I checked Face Book and email befor eheading to bed at 1:56am. late...............-.-"

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