Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chisasibi Week One : Day Six: July 12: Interviews

This morning was uneventful. Just ate, read and got all dressed up for interviews. I wore my slack caperies (seim-formal) and my black high neck shrit. So basically all black, which went well with my silver belt buckle and silver cross necklace, and my good black dress shoes with silver buckels. XP

Lunch was something called a Weltzen Dog (sp?). It`s like a sasuage wrapped in bread and covered with cheese. ......Actually, they are just that. lol

Then we were off to the interviews, which were being hosted at the MSDC. Each work placement set up in a different room and we all did a cirket. We got there for 1pm, but we didn`t start till 2pm. (Northeren Time makes things later.....)

I saw the radio 1st, then the the MSDC, then the daycare, then I had to wait a bit, and I finished up with the hospital, and the youth center/ day camps (which transfers to the school in August.)

All the interviews went well......I least they all seemed really short, and I was as honest and open as possible. It was funny! Gordon was doing the YC/DC interview before me, and I happened to hear/see him singing. So when I went in, I mentionded it, Then I ended up singing too!!!!! >//< I gave them the 1st two verses of  ``There`s a hole in my bucket.``

Then all us volunteers had to wait while Chris took our top-three picks and deliberated with the work partners.  It ended as follows:

MSDC: Catherine
Day Care: Brandon and Gordon
Hospital: Cindy and Justin
Radio: Julia
Youth Center: Vincent
Day Camp: Talia and I

When Nova Scotia gets here (our number 10 who arrives on the 25th) she will be working in the other day care. (There are three.)

Then we went home,  but I went out again because I wanted to see if I could find a skrit, (since I didn`t have one for the sweat) and I needed sour cream dinner the next day.  I didn`t end up finding any skrits, but I did find a dress that I could wear as a skrit. (Its got the stertchy top thing going on.)

Did some blogging when I got home, (not this one......... I`m over a week behind.........) and dinner was Shepherd`s pie. Then we found out that the people who were supposed to clean didn`t. So I cleaned the girl`s bathroom again, for the thrid time.

Then we did group stuff. We set up the house managers for our entire stay, and we did our group contracts. (Ecological/Environmental, Officail Languages, and Group Living.) For the group living contract, Chris wanted us to make a visual repersentation. So we made a tee-pee (sp?), the good place, and a bunch of dogs, the bad place, and a ton of shoes, which got labled things like respect, personel things, punctuality, etc. The reason for the dogs and shoes is because if you leave shoes outside here, dogs might steal them. I helped by making shoes; they were all mockosins (sp?) XP

Oh yeah. And if I didn`t mention it already, the trees are short, the land is relatively flat, and everywhere is sand.

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