Sunday, July 3, 2011

Even More Generousity!!!!!!!

*crys* I feel so loved!!!!! I got even more cards at church today!!!! Its amazing how helpful people are! I feel so incredible blessed!!!

Anywho, I am leaving in 2 days. Whoa. anycase, I'm supposed to fly out of Victoria around 10am, have a delay in Toronto for about 45mins, then spend the night in Montreal at the Travel Lodge Inn, flying out super early the next mourning to get to Chisasibi.

I'll probably post again tomorrow when I do my final pack. Until then, hope you all have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Ah Sarah we are so PROUD of you!! You are going to have the TIME of your life...just take it all in and embrace the adventure! please please post here as often as you can! I awill read it all to Granny and love following you myself!!
    Safe journey..and wishing you amazing adventures! I am so envious!!!
    good luck my dear!! you will rock this !!!
