Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Weekly

I decided that I`ll try to make this a weekly blog. I journal every night, then at the end of the week , I`ll post a run-down of what happened and any hightlights. If there`s a really big event, it might get a seperate posting. So this means I may not post for 7 days, but when I do, I might post 4 entries.

Also, this blog is going to be more about events and facts then my personal oppinions about things. Anything more than "That was really cool." or " It was alright." porbably won`t be disclosed on this blog. If you want to know my "real" feelings, you`ll have to wait till I come home. XP

Anyway, this all means I`ll generaly be posting on Wednesdays.

Till next time!!!!! Lots of love! <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've arrived safe and sound and settling in. We're looking forward to reading your posts! Enjoy,
    Jim & Yvonne
