Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chisasibi Week Two: Day Three: July 16 : Youth Gala

Breakfeast was leftover peita bread with peanut butter and jam (rasberry!)

When I woke up, Chris had left the house for the whole morning. On the table he left us a list of things he wanted us us to get done. Unfortunately, some people in the group didn`t get up till like 11am.

So, while we waited for them to join us, I did some cleaning (mostly sweeping) and ended up whipping down the basebroads.....O.o........I know right???

One of the things Chris had wanted us to do, was to get into our committees and work on getting some ideas together. But, with people still asleep at 10am, I was highly doubing anything would get done. Then at 11am I had all my committe mates sitting at the table with me!

*sighs* But man, do I have my work cut out for me!  What with the executive, the committee, work, and helping the HMs. Although I am aware that I need to start learning to let go more, this is going to be hard.

After lunch, which was leftovers (I had more keenwa, corn-on-cob and lemon chiken) Chris gave us more free time, so Catherine and I walked to Northeren and FINALLY got skrits. (Well, they`re dresses but whatever!!!)

After we got home, there was still more free time. THen we all got dolled up to go to the Youth Gala at the Mishwap center. I wore my butterfly dress, with my black high-neck shirt undeerneth, highblack socks, and a pair of black shorts underneath. I also wore my cross necklace and my nice black dress shoes with the silver buckels.

The whole time, Julia and Cindy kept pressing me to straighten my hair (with cindy`s straightener) and change my clothes! (either by wearing on of Julia`s shrits or one of her dresses.) I don`t know what was up with that, but it was kind of annoiying. Although I did say next time we had something big, they could straighten my hiar.

We ate a quick dinner of pasta/tuna/forzen veggies before we left, but they had food when we got there.

The set up for the gala was awesome!!!! The decorations were so pretty!!!!! They used a lot of fabric and drapped it all over the place, all in these really nice blues and greens, and the soft lighting was beautiful. Chisasibi know how to throw down!!!!!

Now, I`ve never really been to a gala before, so didn`t know about all the talking that went on, but that was cool. Most of what happened was in Cree, and the MC was really drity (bleugh!) but there was one speaker who`s a player from the NFL, and he spoke in english. (He was cree.) Then there was this awesome surprise performance by Ceremony, who have apperently won Juno awards!!! (We even took a picture with them after!!! The one singer is really cool, `cause he sings the tradition cree bits, and he only has one leg!!! but he jumps all over the stage!!!!!! It was SO cool!!!)

Anywho, the only weird part was that this guy named Issac got totally into me or something.......and he had a weird way of expressing it. Part of which included kicked my legs in from behind, twice, (the 1st time I got really freaked out and almost choaked on the spoon I was putting in my  mouth, second time I was braced, so nothing really happened) and grinnding at me along with Julia (did I mention she`s a lesbeian?). It was ackward and weird.......Oh! and he said he wanted to give me date-rape drugs. Which was NOT cool. Even if he didn`t really understand what he was talking about.

But finally we got to the dancing, which was pretty good. The music was so loud though! At one point, Cindy, Brandon, Catherine and I were dancing with a another girl who also up here for volunteer work, and we somehow ended up creatateing a show-down circle. People would go the middel and dance it out. There were a lot on on lookers but not a lot of participants.

Then Catherine and I went to rock out where there was more elbow room.

Most of the group left with Chris around 12am to go home. There was a bit of a rainstrom, with more thunder and lightening. Oh yeah!!! And while we were in the Mishwap Center, someone set off an alarm!!! I think it was `cause  they tried to open a locked door, but the fire alram went off for almost 1/2hr.

Anywho, it was a good night overall. Apperently niether Chris nor Gordon were expecting me to dance so much. XP But hey! And I learned that Brandon has got moves, man!

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