Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chisasibi Week Five: Day 2: Aug 5: Last day of Summer , the 80s Gala, and Northern Lights

Breakfeast was oatmeal, red river with chocolate and puffed rice. Blogged 4 enterires. (Not these ones `cause I am SO far behind! *sighs* I ia trying to catch up but we are just so busy!!!!!!)

Anywho, at work we went to the pool, and I read more of The Golden Spruce, and I mean really!!!!!!! Non-fiction! Who knew!!!! It is such a page truner!!!! I`m a slow reader, it`s my 3rd day of consistant reading, and I`m already half-way through!!! And this book is by no means an easy read! Oh! and it mentioned the town of Hazelton, which is where Justin is from!!!! XD

My lunch was rice, pork and nova alerfado sauce. I also had a granny smith apple, an orange, and one of the kids gave my half of a grilled chesse sandwhich. XD

After that, all the kids played clump, (That game where you walk around, they yell a number, and you have to get in a group with that many people or you are out.), had a dance off, played freeze dance, and gave away prizes.

Now, the way Katimavik works, is that we have paper work and porfessionalism evealutions and stuff to do with our work parteners. As this was the last day of the Summer Camp (T.T) I brought in the from to do my Mid-rotation evaulation (the 1st half of the form) but Syenthia, who apperently didn`t really listen to what I said, filled out the whole from. But that`s okay, I can get a new one for the school. Anywho, I showed her the froms in the mourning, and she made some......well......not so nice comments, so I was expecting a horrible review, but I actually got a very postive one! ^.^ So that was all good.

On my home form work, I ran into a girl who claimed  that we met at Fort Goeger. I didn`t recognize her, but I don`t doubght what she said eitehr. --"

Once I got home, I found a very stressed out Michelle freaking out over dinner. I clamed her down, (envolved lots of hugging XP)  and helped clean up the stove, and got her back on track. Then I walked to the store, and bought us each a chocolate bar. (She paid me back..........*shrugs*) I also bought myself some ice cream, which is expensive here!

Dinner was hamburger soup, corn on the cob, and spanich-borcolli-chesse salade.

Then we were off to the 80s Gala in our Green Katima-Ts.  We did a lot of serving (taking food to table etc.), and a lot of clean up. At one point, I got invited by Brandon to go dance with the attendies, (Pauline and her friends >.<) and apperently my 80s dance move aren`t to shabby, which is great considering I wasn`t even alive in that decade. XD

Syenthia was there, and her childeren and some other kids from the day care showed up and did some dance perfromances. Bruce-Wayne also did his Micheal Jackson bit. Then the Katima-group did the YMCA (so much fun!!!!), except for Vincent, Justin, and Cindy, who all managed to get locked out on the roof with Nathan. Gordon didn`t dance with us either `cause he was trying to find a key to get them back inside. Not that the rest of us didn`t care!!!!! It just kind of..........

Well, anywho, we were luckly enough to get to eat the food they were serving, which was beef with gravy, scallop potatos (yes!!!!!) , couscous, beans and carrots. I was so shocked when we went around to get the garbage. Poeple were throwing away whole plates of food!!!!! *shakes head* I don`t care if they didn`t love the food, that`s just plain wastful.

We also got dessert, which was this awesome cake, and there was apple juice, and littel dishes full of candy and chocolates (hersay kisses).

At 11:40pm, a few of us were ready to head home, so we went outside. Then Michelle was all like "look up!" So we did, and apperently the Northern light were out. I couldn`t make them out thoguh. It just looked like a bunch of clouds and haze to me. I was so disapointed. We hung around for a while, and when I looked up again later, I could really see the Notheren Lights!!!!!!!! At 1st it was just this one really bright strip of vertical green light, but then the reat started to get brighter. We were at the Mitchwap Center too, so it was really picturesc with the Northern lights and a tee-pee in the for-ground.  Chris, Catherine, Michelle and I all watched for a good couple minutes, we even laid down of our backs so it didn;t hrut our necks. XD But man!!!! It was so cool. They really do look like a river of light, and the way they sway across the sky!!!!! Ah!

Finally, we all got in the van ( no one new joined us), but before we got home, Chris detoured to a spot where he thought we`d see the Northern lights better, but it was to cloudy, and we couldn`t go as far as he would`ve liked because of a wolf sighting, and we woud`ve had to cross a raveen thingy and the sawage level was too high.

BUt we saw bats.

Git home, and started to journal, but ended up goning out on the deck and chilling with Michelle and Chris for a bit. Then Gordon joined us, and the NOrthern lights kicked it into high gear!!! Like serious River in the sky, and we could see it DESPITE all the cloud cover. Man it was awesome! The whole thing made me think of that light show God made to show up Luminara that one time I went with my family. (You remeber, bright red sky, lightening, it was wicked.)

But now its 4min to 1am, and I need some sleep.

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