Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cisasibi Week Five: Day 4: Aug 7: Pow-Wow Cont.: The Non-Navtive Dance Compition

Woke up at 7am, had toast with butter and melted chcolate chips, which is so not healthy but is SO awemazingly good. >//< I also ate some Hamburger soup than had a shower.

Then we had our 1st ever edition of mourning CCk, which was surprisingly chill.

Then I helped Michelle make grilled cheese sandwhiches for lunch, some of which had meat in them, and some scrambled eggs.

Now, we were supposed to have free time in the afternoon, and go back to the Pow-Wow that night, but the guys form the Pow-Wow wanted our help earlier in the day, so we switched our free time, and headed off to the Pow-Wow for 2:30pm. I bought a barcelt for $10, and I absolutely LOVE it!!!! (its even got this kind of cross-looken`-thingy on it XD) We did some clean up liek yesterday, which I forgot to mention. We basically go around and switch out the garbage bags, sweep, and we ended up doing some mopping today........which might have been my fult. --" (I mopped something up `cause it was really messy, then apperently Michelle and Justin got asked to do some mopping, and I don`t think they would`ve been asked if I hadn`t done any earlier........)

Then it was time for the Non-Native dance compitition!!!!! XD Everyone (except Julia) Participated in the 1st round. We even called over Laura-Lee form TMSI. After we danced (it was super trying!!!!), they had us all stand in a line, facing forward, and did that thing where they hold something above your head and people cheer.  It was SO nerver racking, espically when the cheering got super loud!! I ended up in the top four, but they only wanted three winners, so we had to dance again!

But man!!!!! They really make it look easy!!!! I was SO sweaty by the end of it! And I almost fell over a couple times. (but don`t tell anyone that ;D ) Anywho, The style I tried to do was the Fancy dance, which might have been one of the harder ones, but it looks more impressive. XP

I won second place! Brandon won 3rd, and Luara-Lee won 1st!!!! ( So if I hadn`t called her over, I would`ve won. XP LOL)  Anyway, I was given $80, but when you are in Katimavik, you aren`t supposed to except any money, won, earned, or otherwise. But Chris went all nice and let Brandon I keep half, while we gave the over half back so they could host more spot dances that night.

While Chris and I returned the money, Laura-Lee did a bit of a victoria lap, and some even gave her a shall to dance with!!!!! .......Alright, I was jaelous. But you have to admit dancing with an actual shall would`ve been so cool!!!! But I was happy for her, and she had fun. ^.^

Oh yeah, the whole time, there were these groups of guys doing traditional singing and playing the drums. There were like 5 groups and they all took turns. There was also a team dance competeion! We got to see that. ^_^

Then we participated in a circle dance thingy. Then the official dancers went back at it, and we got ready to head out. Just as we were heading out the door though, we had to stop, and got to watch a Feather Gathering Ceremony, (it was called something like that) because someone`s eagle feathers fell off and touched the ground, which eagel feathers aren`t supposed to do, because they`re holy, or spritiual. Whichever.

Anywho, as we headed home, we got to see Kate form TMSI, who had been hospitalized the day before. She seemed to be doing okay. Well......she was mobile in any case.

At home, one of the guys went and pricied his ear. Well, one the girls did it for him, and they weren`t SUPPOSED to do it, but, well, the people here aren`t supposed to do a lot of things and they do them anyway........... *sighs*

Dinner was dirty chili. It was really good, but I had one spoonfull and knew I couldn`t have very much without hruling. They put in a TON of spieces. The kind I can`t ate.

Then we had free time. Chris took off before dinenr started, and dinner truned into was  kind of touch and go there for bit. I`ll tell you later when I get home. It`s complicated and we don`t want it on the internet now do we. ^.^ (*rolls eyes*)

Anywho, people started taking off after dinner, and I ended up doing dishes.

Then I spent the next 4hrs, talking and reading poetry aloud with Michelle, Later joined by Gordon and Justin, and even Catherine( but she didn`t stay long. ) It was so much fun!!!! And they like my writing XP Espicailly Michelle. I think she and I get along really well!!!! I hope we stay friends. ^_^

then we all got to try some of Gordon yam-raisins-red river bread, which was really good.

I finished The Golden Spruce. Man, I wanna go the Charoellets now!!!! Anywho, Gordon might read the book next, Brnadon gave my a book called Blood Bothers to read. And I was slwo on the up-take, so Justin is gonna read Julia`s Wolves of Time book 1st. But I did read the porlogue and it looks like a great book!!!!

I am house manager tomorrow!

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