Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chisasibi Week Four : Day 4: July 31: MAMWEEDOW Cont.

There was a MASSIVE thunderstorm around, oh, I don`t know, 1am. The rain was just pouring down, and it was really loud aganist the canvas tent. That, and I believe that is the loudest I have ever heard thunder. Unfortunately though, I was to tried, cozy and lazy to get up and go outside, so I never saw the lightening, although I did see the sky light up.  (My new sleeping bag is just SO nice!!!!)

Anywho, after I finally fell asleep, I selpt in till around 10:30am. So much for that early wake-up call we thought we`d get to make breakfeast! And so much for seperating the boys and the girls!! I went to bed fairly early, so ot everyone had their bags set up. When I woke up, there were guys on either side of me! (Not super close or anything, but you know, still.) Oh yeah, and because it rained, all the stuff that people left near the fire in hopes of it drying......well, let`s just say the stuff was wrose off than it was before getting hung there.

It was a pretty slow day. Gordon, Michelle, Catherine and I went for a walk and took some pictures. Then I ended up falling asleep (with a milk carton under my legs.........someone even took a picture XP) Cathereni woke me up later, and she, Michelle and I were instructed on how to make bannock. one of the girls made hers with raisins, and it was a long and triing process. Espicailly because mine fell off the sticks. --" Well, almost. Louisa House saved the bannock for me, and in the end it was actually pretty good. (Louisa is such a sweetie!!!!!!! >//<) Now, the reason that we made bannock, was because we brought flour and crisco with us, because Chris said if we were gonna eat the food they made, we should contribute to their supplies.

It was bandana day at Mamweedow, and in the afternoon, Colette got back and loned me her banadana from that moring!!!! (She had gotten another one.) It was a nice brown one. >.< Seriously, people here are SO nice!!!!!

Dinner was moose stew with dumplings (AHHHHHHHHH!!!! >.<) fried raisin bannock, plain stick bannock, fried meat bannock, and a fruit salade that our group added watermelon to. There was also apple juice. ^_^

Then we went to the Big Tent and saw some live music, apperently they were parcticing for the Talent Show later that night. Julia even sang some. I ended up playing with some kids, some of whom I already knew, and apperently I entertain Gordon and Catherine with my expressions, behaviour, and dancing. We also helped set up some chiars for the talent show.

.........I also kinda ended up knocking one of the littel girls off the blechers and onto the floor( She was climbing up me from behind and, I didn`t notice and I went to stand up.) So I sat and hugged her till she stopped crying and got up and walked off.........yeah........

After the Big Tent, we went back to ours and strated packing/cleaning up, which envolved a lot of trips to a shed, in the rain........but it wasn`t that bad. XP

Then, since we had a few extra minutes before Chris wanted to leave, we ran back to the Big Tent in hopes of getting Julia up to sing. Eventually, she got up and sang. Then we all went back to the van and rushed to the ferry. There was a bit of a line, but nothing to bad.

For one reason or another, I ended up letting my hair down, and I was listening to "Fire It UP" rather loudly on my MP3 player. And on the ferry, you have to stand on deck for safty reasons, so I was kinda rocking out. ONce again, to the entertainment of Gordon and Catherine.

We got home at 10:30pm.

(My bloggin is like 1/2 a month behind!!!! I apologize. I will try to catch up!!!!)

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