Friday, August 12, 2011

Chisasibi Week Four: Day One : July 28

Today I woke up aroun 6:40am, and I relised that the reason I wasn`t hearing my alarm was because I had muted ALL the sounds on my phone.........

Anywho! Breakfeast was PB and honey on bread (I found honey!!!! >//<) Then I tried making some oatmeal, but, due to some confusion as to which bruner I was using, the pot started to boil over, so I added the salt that the recipe called for. Only I added WAY to much. But, I managed to eat it all anyway.

On the way to work, I got "attacked" by this little black dog. I don`t think it would ever bit anyone, but man that little guy is friece.

Work went alright. Syenthia replaced Summer, but I still did most of the actual work.

Lunch was more cold fryed rice with tofo in it, a pear, and an apple.

The kids at work were really good today, and in all the age groups too!!!! The 10-13s even got a liget lesson in experimental design (curtesy of yours truely), and I even got assignments handed back to me!!!!! ....................and people told me I should be a teacher....haha......

After work. it was raining outside, so I decided to sprint home (why not?)

Dinner was tariyaki salmon (very little), asparagus (very skiny), and a mock napa salad. It was an okay meal, except for the fact that there was this sauce, and it got on everything! So it all tasted thesame, and my lips went numb.

We were supposed to go to the Youth Center tonight, but they are closed for mamweedow, so we got free time, and I am SO glad I brought a camp song book with me! >.< We had wanted to go to Mamweedow tomorrow ourselves, (the friday) but the higher ups don`t think we`ve earned a day off work yet, So we will just be going on Saturday and Sunday.

Anywho, I decided to make some oatmeal/red river tonight, so I could sleep in a bit more tomorrow and still have breakfeast. Bouze came over. I let him in, and he went downstairs where everyone else was watching a movie, but then he came back up and kept talking to me and circleing the table.......

After Bouze left and the oatmeal was done, I had some with chocolate chips and peanutbutter, then did dishes.  Then I called Mom`s cell and got to talk to everybody at home.Emily even said Hi.......then said Bye.......immeadately after.......

Part way through the phone call, while I was talking to Dad, Chris came back, but I had locked him out. Instead of using the key, he started tapping on the window. It totally distracted me from the phone call and even freaked me out a little. Then i saw it was Chris and let hime in.:P

In anycase, it was super nice to talk to everyone. I`m a bit miffed that I`m missing the mini Gittens family reunionand the international fireworks competition though....

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