Friday, September 23, 2011

Chisasibi Week Eight: Day 2: Aug 27: Mid-rotation Reflection and FIRE!!!!!!

I selpt in till 10am, which was SO nice.  I had franch toast for breakfast too because Brandon offered me some!!! >//< I had one piece with Jam and the other with surpy. Oh yeah, and Brandon`s french toast set off the smoke alarm at around 9am. Haha. He also made the french toast out of white bread, which I had made for Virgone after she came yesterday `cause she can`t eat whole wheat, but of course, everone else, being so self-foucesed, just went ahead and ate it. *rolls eyes*

Then I organized the shoes and washed the floors.

Then as a last miniute desision, we changed drity chilie to to fryed ham with rice and a salade. It was actually a REALLY good lunch, despite its.........well, let`s just say I really suck a meal planning when it comes to the gorcery shopping bit.

Then the whole afternoon consisted of doing the mid-rotation reflection with Vrigine. I thought it went okay. Nothing stellar, but nothing unbareable. I found we didn`t talk or address any group issues, but we talked ALOT about Chris. We finished aroun 5:45pm.

Of course, Catherine and I still had to make dinner! So it ended up not being ready till 8:10pm `cause beef stew does not exactly cook quilckly, espicially when you are rushed so you don`t think to cut the meat into smaller pieces!! -.- 

Gordon and I also succeeded in setting off, and thankfully putting out an OIL FIRE!! It was nuts. We knew the pan was on to high (my bad) but before I could trun it down, Gorddon went and poured more oil in the pan, which caught on fire. I grabbed a dish cloth right away (`cause I know you don`t use water) but I frooze up when I thought that the cloth might catch on fire, and then spread it. gordon grabbed the baking soda and put the fire out, but you`re supposed to use baking powder, so the smoke was really harsh and made my eyes water. Some walked in and thought I was crying! It was so bad.
*sighs* In anycase, it sucked, but was definetly a life experiance.

But dinner ended up being okay. It was beef stew and salade with bread. Talia had leftover rice with boiled carrots and tofu. (I plated up her meal all nice like to make her feel special......>.<) The humuas was also put out after Vrigine helped Catherine up-grade it.

After Dinner I cleaned the boys bathroom. Catherine had done the gril`s while I was cooking.

Gordon was heading out for a walk, and I asked if I could tag along (`cause I promised not to walk around the woods be myself) and he said yes. I got to see these neat rocks behind one of the daycare`s, and he and I sat and talked for hours! and about ecerything. I really enjoyed it. Gordon was right to miss having those kinds of conversations, I agree completely! XP

When we got home, Nathan and his mom stopped by to see if they could get Cindy for a bond-fire. Cindy had already left for their house though.......Anywho, Nathan`s mom got authorized as a driver, so Brandon, Gordon, Catherine, and I all piled in her van to go look for Cindy and go to the bond-fire. We never did see Cindy, after looking around for 20mins. But we did stop by a canteen I hadn`t been to that was really nice. Then we all went to the bond-fire, which was really a camp fire, near the place where sweats are held. While we were there, I ate 2 hotdogs, had one can of nesltea and ate two marshmellows! I was SO happy too, because I firgured out how to roast them the same way Maggie`s dad did back in Red Deer at one of the church picins! >//<

Cindy did make it eventually.

I walked home with Catherine and Gordon. I`m telling you though, walking around in the dark freaks me out. You never know what could be lruking just 15feet away!!! And it didn`t help that we had to walk through construction sites, right next to the bush, at 1am, and Catherine wanted to see a bear!

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