Friday, September 23, 2011

Chisasibi Week Seven: Day 7: Aug 25

Slept in till 10amthis morning (Catherine didn`t even wake me up!) Ate bread with bread and cream cheese and ate a chuck of pepperoni (last of it).

I washed both bathrooms while Catherine took care of the floors. Finished daily taks, made more bread.

Lunch was like breakfast, except with leftover ham.

Went gorcery shopping, and we ended up $30 under, and for some strange reason un-benouced to me, we don`t get to roll-over that money, we just lose it.  Also, Chris went to the post office, like usual, and it was super busy! Of course, we sdidn`t know that so Catherine went over to mail something. Chris came and found me, then went back to find Catherine, so I ended up waiting in the gorcery store for, I don`t know, 1/2 an hr maybe. When they came back I was looking at clothes. XP There is this one shrit I kinda wanna get, but its 25-bucks......oh yeah, Bouze is working at Northern now.

We got home around 2:45pm, and I started preping potatos and sweet potatos fro dinner while Catherine took an other nap.

Dinner was roasted veggies, salade and lemon pepper fish (Michelle got chicken).

Chris introed us to this game called "Bang-Bang, you`re dead." (look it up!) Michelle and I formed an alliance, and then the one times she leaves me, she gets killed! (Haha) We set the game up wrong though, so we ended up with two winners, one was me, `cause I didn`t get killed, and the other was  Gordon, `cause he killed everybody else.

Michelle and I went to Kandies, and I bought some Reese candy, which I realised was a sencory memeory re-lep from my last week as house manager. XP I also bought some Lindor, so Michelle could have one as her accompaniment tax. XD

Got home and we did the French activity of Bingo! It went super good!!!! All our work really paid off!!1 They kept wanting to play more rounds! (Unfortunately, we forgot to buy prizes.....) BUt even then! People gave out 10s when we asked for their evaluation!

After that I got the new from for professionalisum at work, which is the school this time.

Uhg. I just finished off a 260g bag of reese candy in a couple hrs........ugh.

I tried calling Mom, but she didn`t pick up so I left a message. Sang out back for a littwel, then went on the computer and did e-mail and Facebook.......yeah..........I think i might like someone, but i really have no clue.........( XP let`s see how many of you actually read to the end of my posts! XD)

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