Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chisasibi Week Seven: Day 3 : Aug 20: French Activity and Much Music

Slpet in till 11:15amish. Planned meals for my next week of house managing with Catherine. Ate some oatmeal that Michelle had made and also ate some bread with jam. Then I blogged (not this entry *rolls eyes*) and Stacy swung by.

After lunch, we had our frnech activity of french lyric translating that the francocphones planned. Gordon and I went downstairs with Catherine and Stacy to do harder songs, while everyone else stayed upstairs and did disney. I really enjoyed it, and I kinda wish we could`ve actually listened to the song, but it was all good. I was reminded about how literal translation don`t work very often. >.<

Then I blogged some more. After that I played Risk, and lost, but that`s not surprising.

Dinner was egg lasaunga. The 1at one was better in my opinion....Stacy also brought over this egg-plant parmasone thingy. I tried was okay. 

Stacy also gave me cookies as a day-late b-day gift!!!! >//< There were some brunt ones with carnberries in them, and I ate those with dream suace and they ere SO good. There were also cookies made with chocolate chips. Both had oatmeal in them. SO GOOD!!!!!!! >//<

Tonight was free time, so a bunch of us went to the DJ much music dance off thingy......I had a good time dancing. I bought a water and a gaturade at one point. I even won a much music downloads card! They played the YMCA song, and there was a group and singles dance compition. Kyle`s group did their stomp-techno routine, and it was actually aroutine! Thay also had uniforms and stuff, so I think they did the best job at being an actual dance crew. The last song they played before we left was "I perfrom this way" by Weird Al, which was AWESOME!!!!! YOu have to understand, they had two bigs screens showing the music vids to all the songs too. So when that one came on, everyone was looking at the screen in a horrid-fanatsied way, meanwhile I was just loving it!!!! It made my night!!!
And hey, if nothing else, dancing is good exercise.

Oh yeah! We also got a boil order this morning, which means they want us to boil our water. Now, I<m fairly sure I`ve never had one of these before, and it was really bugging me. We boiled the kettel at full a couple times and as we left the house to go to the Much Music thing, I thought to myself, "the water`s porbably cool by now." So I filled my cup and took a swig......only to release it onto the floor and completely scold my entire mouth.......yeah........not fun. Now my tounge feels all funny. T.t

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