Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chisasibi Week Six: Day 3: Aug 13: The Black and Gold Gala

Got up at 6:30am, so that I could at least mop the floor before everyone else got up. Surprisingly, at least to me, was that I wasn`t the only one up, Justin was too. I got most of the daily tasks done, except the 3 related to dinner and the bathrooms. I wrote done the receipies for biscuits and pepper cookies that Dad emailed me. ^_^

An hr later (7:30ish) I had breakfeast, which was leftover hamburger patties. While I was eating, Justin came up and told me he had cleaned the boy`s bathroom. I hadn`t even asked him!!!!!! >//< That definetly helped start off my day on a good note. It`s really so nice when people help out. XD

After that, when more people were up, I helped plan that mourning`s activity of "mime", aka charades. We, (I wasn`t working by my self!!!!) also came up with new ideas for the next CCK. Catherine has also joined the OLC. (Officail Languages Committee)

Anywho, charades went well enough. I got some pretty crazy words to act out, like rag-doll, cursader, and Lady Gaga........that one was hard. And it was reall funny too, `cause I was given the chioce between her and an other female artist. I picked Lady Gaga, `cause I thoguht that was more current/well known, and then while I was acting, someone guessed the other gilr 1st!!!! XD We all had a good laugh. There was quite a bit of french at the beginning, then it kinda died out near the end.....

When that was over, I started making lunch. I had pre-cut the potatoes that morning, so Talia went ahead and cooked them for hashbrowns while I made biscuit. (1st time ever!!!!!) I tripled the recipie Dad sent, and they truned out amazing! A little brown on the bottom, and little crispy, but still light and flaky!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! So good! >_<  Everyone else said they liked them too. XP We also had baccon, while Talia had eggs.

While the dishes were being done, Talia and I had a few spare minutes to put up our feet, then we were off to making dinner. We had to cut up all these vegetables and squashes (Talia took over the squah cutting before I chopped a finger off....) for Ratatouille. Unfortunaly, it wasn`t really ratatouille, becasue we didn`t have any eggplant or zhucciny, thus all the squah. It kinda ended up being a vegetable stew, but it was still good.

Then we all dressed up for the black and gold gala. I was so chocked that I didn`t have my gold barcelts that I wore to Grad, `cause those would`ve been perfect!! I ended up wearing my black capperi-slacks, black collard shirt, black belt, barcelt from pow-wow, watch (which had gold on it!!!!) my cross necklace, my tall black socks and my chior shoes. (haha, even though I`m not in chior anymore, I`ll porbably always call them that XP) Talia also starightened my hiar, `cause last time I told Brandon that for the next event I`d let them. It was a littel last minute though, and we ended up rushing out the door. Not that we needed to `cause we got there early!

At the gala, we set the food, and gravy out on the tables, then set up a littel cup-cake table. As the people arrived, I did "punch runs" where we went and served them drinks. Our group was allowed to try the food, but I was so busy working, that I was the last to eat, and by then there was no stuffing left (it was a trukey dinenr) T.t!!!! Luckily, Gordon gave me his, and in return I found some carnberry sauce for him to have with his dinner, since he said it just wasn`t them same without it. But it didn`t cherr him up  the way the stuffing cheered me up. :(

Then we all just kinda did odd jobs, until they cleared all the people out for a break, and we rearranged the tables to make the dance floor.

I danced, and it was fun until the cut on my finger split open and bled. But at least in didn`t get on anything other than my hand! After that, I suddenly got really tried (crashed, basically.) and I was still feeling under the wheather. So at 11:45pm, Chris drove Gordon, Michelle, Catherine and I home.

When we got home, I styaed up and talked with Michelle and Gordon. ...Well, they talked and I listened.

Tomorrow we have an other morning CCK, and was gonna get up early again to try and get some tasks done, but I don`t know if I will.....I`m also debating buying my own flat of eggs, so that I can do all the baking I want without using the house eggs....then again, there`s also the flour issue...*shrugs*

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