Monday, September 26, 2011

Chisasibi Week Nine: Day 3: Sept 4: Excrusion - Part 2:Rain Day and SMORES!!

I woke up at 7am, and sharing a bed with Michelle was okay, if you don`t mind being squished up against a wall. Again, my sleeping bag is wonderful!!!!! >.<  No one else was up yet, so I went to check out that room of old clothes, and I don`t know if it`s because of all the clothing exchanges we did at church or what, but I started folding and orgainizing everything........(-.-).........yeah....I managed to get through half the room. It was super cold though!!!! Haha, at one point, Catherine came in, but I had my back to the door, and since she was tried, she spoke very quietly. She said my name once, and I heard it, turned around and didn`t see her (guess she was still outside room) so I wet back to folding (I`ll admit I was a little creeped out) and then she says my name again, but she is RIGHT behind me. I get startled, jump/flinch and trun around, which makes her flinch. XD It was pretty funny.  I was in the clothes room for around 2 1/2 hrs.

Then I finally went over to Slyvains, hoping  for food. I found Chris and Stacy were already there. Slyvain offered us hot water for tea, and Chris grabbed a cup for me, and it was a super nice cup! Good and big with a good amount of colour and a nice strong handle. :D

We didn`t eat breakfast till 11:30am, and it was eggs, baccon, fruit and bread. I kept walking off too, `cause I had finshed my breakfast early. I`d walk down to the lake and parise, yeah, it was sunday. :P

After breakfast was over, I headed back to work on the clothes room. At one point, Gordon came in and said something like "Let`s go for a walk" and then left again really quickly. Now, I`m not sure why, but I got the impression that was our group activity. Eventhough everyone else had apperently aggreeded on free time till 1:30pm. Anywho, that ment I took some time grabbing my stuff, and I also told /invited Justin to come. But when Justin and I went outside we couldn`t find the group that had left for the walk. So he and I just started walking up the road. We eventually caught up to them, and we all went to see the Lake. One our way back, it started raining harder, so by the time we got back, we were SOAKED!!!!!! O.O

When we all  showed up soaked, Slyvain asked if we had a fire going in the wood stove in our cabin, we said no, and he said we needed on so that when we came in out of the rain we wouldn`t caught a cold. We also found out around this time, that the night before after most of the group had gone to bed, someone left a candle near the stove and it started to dissolve, so that when Slyvain came around to do a safety check (which he almost didn`t do!) there was layer of candel smog that hovered from about 3 feet off the ground all the way to the celeing!!!! We are super lucky!

Anywho, I went over to help start the fire, but I didn`t really have anything to do, so I went back to the clothes room and finished it up. I got like 8 pieces.

Then we ended up with more free time, so I went and put my shoes by the fire, in hopes they`d dry out. And bunch of us hung out and lounged around by the fire. I sat on my sleeping bag after folding it in half so if was very fluffy. ;P I even ended up telling them the storie of Billy Goats Gruf! Someone would make a smart comment about not being 5yrs old anymore. *rolls eyes* It was fun though. We also told a bunch of life stories and jokes! XP

Then everyone fell asleep by the wood stove, including me. I had my player though, and I was always consiously arware of what song was playing, so I wonder if I ever really fell asleep. Justin stayed up and kept the fire going for us. 2hrs later, Talia came in and woke everybody up, saying that dinner was ready. She had cooked it all by herself!

Dinner was spicy sausages with bread and cut veggies. I was on clean up.

Then I went for an other walk with a different group configuration. We went to the lake again, and this time there was a lot of sing-a-longs! XD It was very fun. When we walked back, it was drak out and we had touse flash light!!! O.o XD

When we got back, some of us played crazy 8s. Then we all headed back toour cabin to make smores, which were super good!!!! We had so much fun too, `cause everyone got hyped up on sugar. XD I wrote the enter in my journal by candel light! It was epic!!! XD I have also been rocken`the 70s look all day with a ear-band warmer, and sweater and my hobo glove!!! ;D

Right before bed, everyone spent like 3mins saying "goodnight" to everyone and everything in as many ways as they could think of!!!! XD It was halarious. Girls are sleeping on floor tonight.

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