Friday, September 9, 2011

Chisasibi Week Six: Day 6: Aug 16: Time Capsule, International Letters, and Pepper cookies!

So, because my bag got locked in the office, I didn't have my phone. At first I thought, "Oh, that won't be a problem! Just no texting till tomorrow." Then, I realized my alarm clock was on my phone.......Yeah. I ended up waking up around 5:30am, and I was like, WAY to early. So I went back to bed. At 8am, Cindy's alarm woke me up, which was lucky for me or I would've really been late!!!

Breakfast was oatmeal with honey raisins chocolate chips, and I even mixed in some honey bunches of oats cereal.

I managed to get to the school on time for 9am, but when I got there the library door was locked and I couldn't get in. At 1/4 after, Naydine got to work, but it was a new lock, so she didn't have a key for it. Then she went upstairs, 'cause there is a staircase on the second floor that ends INSIDE the library. Of course, there's a door you have to get pass to access the stairs, but it was open. (LUCKY!!) So I got my bag back!!! And then, Naydine handed me my very own set of keys!!!! So my bag will never get locked in the office again!!!! ^//^

Work was the last of the laminating. Well, not the last of it, but we ran out of plastic for the big machine. There's a small one, but it seems to be broken.....Then Stacy came by, saying she wanted to talk with us, but she had some paper work she needed to complete before. In the meantime, Talia and I worked on our Bios for the bulletin broad and I read some books (lots of Robert Munch) and even an article from the magazine Seventeen. It was about dating guys older than you............not sure what to think...... Stacy still wasn't ready, so then Talia, Vincent and I went around the school introducing ourselves to all the teachers like Chris had wanted.

When we got back to the library Stacy was ready, so we all sat down and she gave us some pointers about the program and working in the school. We got a little off topic at points, but it was really cool to talk with her. She's very chill.

At 12pm we broke for lunch, which for me was leftover turkey soup and an orange. I warmed it up in the microwave in the staff room, and then went back to the library, where Naydine and Denise had already left for lunch. So I locked up the office with my new set of keys, and sat back down with the others and we kept talking.

At 1pm I headed over to the commercial center where we were supposed to meet up with the people who wanted help with the time capsule for Chisasibi's B-day. I met up with Chris, and we waited till 1:15ish. When the people showed up, they handed up paint, a barrel, and said they wanted to re-locate to the base-ball field. So Chris grabbed the barrel and I grabbed the paints, which we pout in the van, then I ran back to the school to grab my stuff and let the others know.

The time capsule was a success! We were there for 4hrs, and I know that sounds like a long time, but it actually wasn't that bad. It was really nice to paint the kids hands and we even got some older people to put there hand prints. (And I got 2 free Hot Dogs! So I wasn't even hungry! And there were onions!! >//<) We also wrote the kid's name next to their hand print, some people put up their age and the date too. Of course, we did this part with Sharpie, so Vincent ended up drawing all over the thing too. ;P It even got a little ridiculous, 'cause he kept insisting it was pointless to even have a time capsule unless unless we put oil or something "scientifically valuable" in it. Psheesh! It's just for fun!

Anywho, we had a bit of a problem when the paint of some of the hand prints started peeling, where there was too much paint. But we were lucky, 'cause the people organizing it managed to pick up some special spray, which helped a little. Around 5:10ish Chris came back in the van with Gordon and we all went home.

I GOT MORE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >//< This time it was form Elise! (My friend from France, who is currently in France. XD) My parents forwarded it to me express mail. It was so much fun to read!! But it was 8 pages long! EIGHT I tell you!!!!!! *sighs* The trick is gonna be sitting down to write her back......

Dinner was meat with cheese and stuff, served on rice with veggies(carrots and celery). I even reserved some for my lunch XP. Then I did the dishes.

Tonight we had free time. So I finally made those pepper cookies!!!!! ^_^ They turned out great and everyone liked them! That is, once I finally let them have one, it was weird. Everybody got really worked up and excited over it. .........Made me feel great XD After that I told Michelle about 2 of my stories and she really liked the one about the dragon half-breeds. ^//^

Then everyone else went to watch a movie and I went to bed.

(btw, my Dad is just plain awesome. Thought you guys should know.)

1 comment:

  1. It is so nice that you still think your Dad is awesome :) I am sure he will appreciate that!
