Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chisasibi Week Six: Day 2: Aug 12: Injuries and French Lessons!

Up around 7-7:30am. Made oatmael for the group and was able to use fruit this time!! I had mine with raisins, chocolate chips, PB and Honey. It was SO GOOD!!!!!!! XJ

Still feel horribly sick though.

Chris had taken one of his night`s off yesterday, so he went to Colette`s to sleep. That ment, that after everyone left for work, I was alone to clean. It was nice and peacful, and I didn`t have to talk! :P

I blogged a bit before 9am (not this entery. *rolls eyes* I`m like 3 week behind again.) then did lots of the cleaning, I blogged a bit again after (NOT THIS ENTERY) and Vince cleaned the upstairs bathroom for me. ^_^ I like it when people help out.

Lunch was more of breakfeast. XP

Then I went back to bed. Unfortunately, I never got to really fall asleep, but I did enjoy how comfy my bed was. I partically sunk into it......which isn`t normal....... *shrugs* Oh well. It was nice. >_<

But, even though my bed was super comfy, I could only lie down for an hour before I had to get up and help Talia do the cooking, `cause I felt bad about leaving her to do it herself. (Even though she slept till noon........)

So I cut up veggies for pizza, fruit for the smoothies, and did some dishes.

I also went on facebook and gto in touch with some people.........and one person I didn`t expect to......but i won`t say who! :P

Anywho, Talia and I started topping the Pizzas and she asked me to open the can of olives (the kind of can with the finger pully thing on top)but the lid wasn`t coming off. When it finally did, my pinky finger on my right hand got sliced open!!! ARGH! Chris said I needed to keep my hand above my heart so I was suddenly incapasitaded, and couldn`t do anything, which was very frusterating.  Oh yeah, it bleed a lot too. Hope you aren`t skeemish. I felt worse too, because then Talia had to make the fruit soomthies in my place, when they kinda been my pet porject. Well, them and the oatmeal.  Talia also made brownies.

Eventually I got fed up with the whole "elavate the hand thing" so I just went back to work.

Dinner  was super good pizza......with tofu....... Who know, Right?! There were the fuirt smoothies (with partically everykind of fruit) and the borwnies.

Jean Noel came over for dinner, and after the dishes were done, he gave us our 1st french lesson!!! XD
While we did that, Chris took the Francophones and they all went to help set up for the Black and Gold Gala tomorrow.

The french lesson was okay, but I got broaded pretty fast. I mean the stuff he covered was good! It was just all really basic. I drew a pretty wicked picture though. And after, Jean Noel was kind enough to stay for a bit and let me talk AT hime to partice my french.

After he left Michelle and I shared some writings. She showed me a play she`d writen for school, and I showed her the 1st two parts of The Journey. It was fun.

Then I checked FB.

Then Michelle told me about this universe she has in her head, and how its all super complicated and !!!!! She needs to make it into a series! THink Lord of the Rings and the Wheel of Time combined, then throw in a pinch Harry Potter, a dash of Twilight and a tablespoon of Si-Fi. O.o It is intense man!

But yeah, I made the stupid desion of staying up late to play risk even though I knew I needed to get up super early the next day to do daily tasks while people are still asleep, and prep potatoes for lunch.

Oh yeah, and there`s supposed to be a french activity....Haha.......Fail.

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